Best mac app for designing invitations
Best mac app for designing invitations

best mac app for designing invitations

Is this app multi-purpose? While images for social media marketing may be your key reason for seeking out a graphic design tool, you'll ultimately be more productive if you only need to learn and use one tool for multiple marketing design purposes, such as creating email banners, postcards, flyers, blog images-you name it. (To be honest, this criterion weeded out the most apps.) This list features apps that are ideal for companies and individuals looking to represent their brand with professional-grade social media images.

best mac app for designing invitations

Some apps might have passed muster, except that the web experience was consistently frustrating (freezing screen, slow to load designs, not saving or accepting changes, etc).Īre the design assets professional? There are a lot of tools that offer templates-just not the kinds of templates and assets that are going to help you represent your brand well. Is the app experience smooth? When trying to design something in a web app, a major factor is how smooth and fast the web experience is. These apps are geared toward simplicity, so you don't have to spend agonizing hours designing every single graphic.

best mac app for designing invitations

Is this app suited well for social media marketing? Some apps are awesome, but have too many features when all you want to do is put together a good image to go with a social promotion. Thus, I wanted to make sure these apps could be used effectively by people (like me) with minimal knowledge about design and design tools. Is this app easy enough for amateur designers? In most cases, your company's designer (should you be lucky enough to have one) is not who will manage your social media. When testing and evaluating apps, I had a few key criteria that each app needed to meet to be included:

Best mac app for designing invitations professional#

I tested over 15 apps to bring you this short and sweet list of the best free apps for creating your own vibrant and professional social media images. The good news is that you don't need to pay premium prices to get premium results. The secret to creating these kinds of images is having a lot of great templates and design resources (images, icons, shapes, text styles) all readily available, so all you have to do is mix, match, and message. You also don't want to spend a lot of time or money creating these images (because, let's face it-social media posts have a very short lifecycle). You want to make an image that will catch your followers' eyes-something that will make them click and share and keep watching for the next great thing you post. What makes a great social media image app? Quickly making images to share on social media

Best mac app for designing invitations